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2018-08-08 Pl. Bd. min.
Town of Princeton, Mass.        --     Town Hall Annex
PLANNING BOARD   Meeting Minutes  --– August 8, 2018,  7:30 PM

Present were:, Chairman John Mirick, Ann Neuburg & Ian Catlow. Tom Sullivan, Rud Mason were absent.

7:37 PM  Chairman opened meeting. Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of July 18.
        Group re-appointed Ian Catlow as representative to CMRPC; Ann Neuburg agreed to be alternate, which is appointed by Selectboard.

8:00 PM  Board members continued discussion on the potential for local marijuana regulations to supplement state regulations. John M. outlined the permitting procedure, which starts with state regulations, community outreach, host agreements, and finally local regulations such as site plan review. Retail operations are a business use under our zoning by-law.  Growing operations are specifically exempted from the favorable treatment under state law for agricultural uses, but are an agricultural use under our zoning by-law.
Board members concluded that any recreational marijuana retail facility, limited by definition to a Business or Industrial zoning district, be controlled the same way as a liquor license and would be subject to Site Plan Review. They noted that since a growing operation is considered agricultural it is allowed in any zoning district. Main concern is esthetics, controlling the “look” of any large-scale hydroponic farming operation that could be housed in an industrial-looking facility. A visual buffer may be the ultimate solution and could be required in a site plan. It was noted that any host agreement with the Selectboard may include very specific conditions that address this issue.
This agreement allows for up to three percent of sales revenue to go to a host community, along with impact fees which can be negotiated. Any other issues should be resolved during the initial outreach meeting with a developer. John distributed an 8/8/18 working draft of a report to the Selectboard for  edits and discussion at next meeting.

8:10 PM  Board adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Upcoming meetings:     September 5 & 19, 2018

Referenced Documents:      Regulations for state licensing of recreational marijuana facilities; draft proposal for local regulations.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department